While generally considered a safe procedure, cataract surgery, like all surgical interventions, presents certain risks and potential adverse effects. Postoperative patients may experience common, typically transient side effects such as mild ocular discomfort, erythema, or a foreign body sensation, which typically subside within several days. Temporary visual disturbances, including blurred vision and photophobia, may also occur during the recovery period.

Although infrequent, more serious complications, including infection, hemorrhage, retinal detachment, and corneal or retinal edema, are possible. Posterior capsule opacification (PCO), a clouding of the posterior lens capsule, may also develop in some individuals; however, this condition is readily treatable with a minimally invasive laser procedure.

Adherence to postoperative instructions and scheduled follow-up appointments are crucial for minimizing potential risks. Cataract surgery is a highly efficacious intervention, with the majority of patients achieving significant visual improvement and experiencing minimal complications.

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If you feel we can serve you please contact The Eye Center-Dr Mahnaz Naveed Shah & Associates Karachi, and book your appointment today at 03041119544 or book through our website using the Book an appointment feature.

For the best eye specialists and eye surgeons in Karachi, Pakistan, experience being taken care of by our team at The Eye Center.

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